GNC Creatine Monohydrate
GNC Creatine Monohydrate A common misconception is that creatine is used for “bulking.”
Creatine is primarily used for muscular energy, which supports power, strength, and stamina. Creatine can be used in conjunction with extra calories and resistance training to build muscle, but creatine alone has no calories and does not build muscle directly. Creatine has become one of the most popular sports supplements among professional and amateur athletes.
- Each serving supplies 3 grams of Creatine Monohydrate.
- Manufactured with unsurpassed quality control to ensure purity, potency, and freshness.
- This flavorless powder blends easily with any beverage or sports drink.
- It is Informed Choice Certified and hence free from any banned substances.
Who Should Consume Creatine?
- Creatine is useful for those involved in Intense Sports Exercises.
- For athletes, as it improves performance and fuels muscles.
- Body Builders.
- Heavy Weight Lifters
Did you know?
Drinking plenty of water is key when supplementing with creatine. Creatine will not work if the body isn’t properly hydrated.
How and when to Consume?
- Mix 3g with 200ml of water or your favorite sports drink immediately following your workout.
- Consume an ample amount of water while taking this product.
- Creatine is a Pre-Workout Drink
- Consult your physician prior to using this product if you are pregnant, nursing, taking medications, under 18 years of age or have a medical condition..
- Discontinue use two weeks prior to surgery.
- Creatine is converted to creatine phosphate, which helps to fuel skeletal muscles and provides support for immediate energy production during high-intensity workouts
- Each serving supplies 3 grams of Creatine Monohydrate
- Supports Intense Sports Exercise For athletes, improves performance and fuels muscles
- Mix 3g with 200ml of water or your favourite sports drink immediately following your workout.Consume ample amount of water while taking this product
- This flavorless powder blends easily with any beverage or sports drink
- PACKER: Guardian Healthcare Services Pvt. Ltd; IMPORTER: Guardian Healthcare Service Pvt. Ltd
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